viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

Anti-crisis culture for the people - Diario de Mallorca

Vanessa S?nchez Without a doubt, a ?nica, different night and a?o after a?o are 16 editions, it is gaining adherents. Because art is not only sew a few privileged or understood. Galleries, musicians and artists in general know pr?ximo Thursday evening is yours, and have an opportunity ?nica to claim their space, an ocasi?n claim that culture, despite the cuts, the increase in VAT and other institutional da?os, contin?a being a good of first necessity.

As always, the official circuit and the alternative reflects multitude of disciplines for all tastes. For example: in the Centre of culture of Pelaires is exhibir? the work recently in format pict?rico William Rub? while that in galer?a Gabriel Vanrell is podr? visit an exposici?n of engravings and sculptures by Manolo Vald?s. Ferran Cano, Adri?n Mart?nez proposes his Scenes from a few drawings in graphite on paper and the Altair, Anthony Caro presents a sample in peque?o format in which the lat?n is used as material ?nicos and the bronze. For qui?n a?n has not walked on the faces of Bernard? Roig at the Llotja, space open estar? tambi?n that night. The fotograf?a comes from the hand of Paul Spencer Caf? Antiquari or Art Inter4secci? with Evarits Torres and Bruno Daurero.

M?SICA with the Pilgrims and dance at Ses Voltes under t?tulo Quan la lluna Surt them creatures ballan. And all watered with wine and some other culinary delicatessen.

Site:Galer?as, art centres and other locations in the Centre of Palma.
Price:Free of charge.
Schedule: From 19: 00.

Complete programme on

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